Reiki Bliss

We know that for many healers who work with Reiki and provide it to others, it is hard to find the time to focus on the self and to have a solid self-care strategy.

This is why we created Reiki Bliss - a series of Guided Meditations for Self-Practice.
Reiki bliss

Guided Meditations for Reiki Self Practice

Healer, Heal Thyself!

We believe that Reiki is a lifelong skill and a pathway to not only healing but happiness, purpose and abundance. For anyone who is attuned to Reiki, this series of meditations is here to assist you in harnessing the power that already exists within you so as to live your best life.

Reiki is the ultimate in self care! It is a powerful tool that can be used in many ways. It is our intention to bring Reiki into the every day; allowing Reiki to be fully integrated into your daily life.

Get Access to these Meditations

Get access now for just $25.

You get 17 meditations plus access to any updates - including the ability to stream and download them to your device.
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Use Reiki in All Areas of Life - from Manifesting to Sleep...

Reiki Bliss Meditations have been created to assist you in bringing Reiki energy and healing to all aspects of life.

  • Start Your Day with Reiki

    Start your day right, with a specific meditation to begin your day. You can do this as you wake up or just before you start work.

  • Reiki for Manifesting

    Use the power of Reiki to assist you in your manifesting journey. You will be guided through a powerful visualisation process to assist in manifesting.

  • Distance Reiki Meditation

    This guided meditation will assist you step by step in sending Reiki to another person, event or place.

  • Reiki for Physical Health

    Clear any blocks that exist to physical health and healing.

  • Reiki for Self Love

    Cultivating self-love is something that we often forget to do - this meditation will assist you in using the power of the Reiki energy to cultivate this powerful sense of self.

  • + Many More

    Quick Reiki Meditations, Reiki meditations for sleep, loving your body, emergencies and life purpose are also included.

Preview Reiki Chakra Meditation

This powerful Reiki Chakra Meditation is a self-healing practice for anyone attuned to Reiki. As you are guided through each chakra, you use the power of the Reiki energy to heal, balance and ground; rebalancing and healing the energy at each chakra point in the body from the Root to the Crown.

Reiki Bliss Meditations

  • 1

    Welcome to Reiki Bliss

    • Welcome
    • Using the Platform and Accessing the Meditations
  • 2

    Reiki Bliss Meditations

    • Start Your Day Meditation
    • Distance Reiki Meditation
    • Long Chakra Meditation
    • Long Guided Meditation
    • Manifesting Meditation
    • Reiki 1 Meditation
    • Reiki 2 Meditation
    • Heal Your Relationship with Money
    • Allow in Love
    • Emergency Reiki Meditation
    • Love Your Body
    • Reiki for Life Purpose
    • Reiki for Sleep
    • Reiki for Physical Health

What people have said about Reiki Bliss Meditations




"These are powerful techniques to bring reality into the present moment; gave me hope for miracles."

Simple and Beautiful


"Simple and beautiful, a powerful way to energise in a short amount of time."



"Powerful! Perfect, I felt 100% after."


  • I've only done Reiki 1, can I still use these meditations?

    Absolutely! Each meditation has been designed for anyone who has been attuned to Reiki, from Reiki 1 all the way to Reiki Masters.

  • I've done Reiki so long ago and am not sure I'd remember the process?

    It doesn't matter how long ago you were attuned to Reiki, once you have been attuned by your Reiki Master you can tap into the Reiki energy for life. Each meditation guides you through a process of connecting with the Reiki energy. You will likely notice the familiar feeling of the energy flowing once you start.

  • How do I access the meditations; Can I put them on my computer or phone?

    Absolutely, when you purchase the Reiki meditations you are given access to our online course platform where you can download each meditation and add it to your phone or computer. You can also stream them directly from the online course platform, which works on your phone too!

About the Creators

These Reiki Meditations have been written, recorded and perfected by Nicole Bayliss and Ben Crompton, two Reiki Masters from Sydney, Australia.

About Nicole and Ben

Nicole Bayliss

Nicole Bayliss

Nicole is an author, spiritual teacher and healer who is based in Sydney, Australia. Nicole works with people all over the world, facilitating personal transformation. She has written six books, A Shift to Bliss, 5 Steps to Finding Love, Soul Magic, Soulful & Successful Business, The 25 Universal Laws and Forgiveness is the Key. Nicole offers free meditations on the app Insight Timer and her online courses are available from her website.
Ben Crompton

Ben Crompton

Ben is a former lawyer who gave up that world for the spiritual path. He is a Reiki Master who also assists spiritual entrepreneurs and Reiki practitioners with getting their message out there through logo, web design and social media marketing.

Get Access to these Meditations

Get access now for just $25.

You get 17 meditations plus access to any updates - including the ability to stream and download them to your device.
Get started now