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Join the 7 day journey to love, peace and abundance

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Getting Started...

    • Welcome
    • Guide to the Course Platform
    • Download your Soul Excavation Journal
    • Introduction to the Course
  • 2

    Day 1 - From Fear to Love

    • Lesson 1 - From Fear to Love
    • Day 1 Meditation
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    Day 2 - The Universal Laws

    • Lesson 2 - The Universal Laws
    • Day 2 Meditation
  • 4

    Day 3 - Abundance is Your Divine Right

    • Lesson 3 - Abundance is Your Divine Right
    • Day 3 Meditation
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    Day 4 - Love Heals

    • Lesson 4 - Love Heals
    • Day 4 Meditation
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    Day 5 - Time is Your Friend

    • Lesson 5 - Time is Your Friend
    • Day 5 Meditation
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    Day 6 - Creating your Future from a New Perspective

    • Lesson 6 - Creating your Future from a New Perspective
    • Day 6 Meditation
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    Day 7 - Daily and Weekly Rituals

    • Lesson 7 - Daily and Weekly Rituals
    • Rituals and Practices
    • Prayers
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    • Thank you and Congratulations